The dragon looked at her, and finally, he thought of the best way.
"I will get your necklace back!" he said and flew away without looking back.
After a long, long time, the little sorceress finally raised her head.
But the dragon was no longer there.

"Did you see the dragon?" she yelled to the mole hole.
Father mole poked his head out and said, "He has never been here."
So, the sorceress left.

She met the fox. "Did you see the dragon?" she asked.
Fox said, "No, where did you see him last? Why did he disappear?
Where does he like to go the most? Where are you going next?"
The fox always had so many things to ask, so the sorceress left.

The little sorceress finally climbed up a hillside.
Her best friend was gone, and it was all her fault.
Now she didn't want her necklace anymore, she just wanted the dragon to come back.

After a long, long time, the rain seems to have stopped.
The little sorceress opened her eyes and found the dragon waslanded in front of her.
"I'm back, but I didn't find your necklace."
The dragon looked at her softly. He was dirty and drenched all over.
"I flew a long way. I went across the mountain and forest.
I touched the cloud and dove into the river. But I didn't see it."

He put his claw into his pocket and pulled out a new necklace."
I made it with my scale." The blue scale shone and caught the light.
"Thank you, but more than anything, I just want you back."
The sorceress said.
She hugged dargon like hugged her most precious thing.